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bit bending with bean

shaders • physics • computers • math


I'm a guy who is fascinated by computers and graphics. I love how you can use shaders and a little bit of math knowledge to produce great looking images that look like real photos. I find it amazing how you can combine logic gates to build a device capable of executing any given series of instructions. I like how we can simulate interesting physical phenomena with computers.

Here's a very basic ray tracer I wrote in JavaScript for fun. Click Render to see how long your CPU takes to draw a sphere with simple lighting.

I made this blog to share the tiny amount of knowledge I've learned and different projects I work on. I might post about various other topics at times. Hope you learn something new here!

Graphics From Scratch

Learn how 2D/3D rendering works under the hood and how you can write your very own shaders.

Stay tuned!

Film Emulation

See how a piece of film responds to light and how we can exploit that to capture the light.

Stay tuned!

How Computers Work

Exploring how one could make a very basic computer from scratch using nothing but logic gates.

Stay tuned!